Drug-Free Surgery-Free Pain-Free RELIEF Our practice is among the first in the area to invest in Deep Tissue Laser Therapy from LiteCure Technology. You may visit their website here: http://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/what-to-expect/
Drug free, pain relief is the goal for most of us. Now we can offer you a non-surgical option that truly has the power to eliminate or significantly reduce your pain. Five to ten brief treatments with this powerful laser is all it takes to realize life changing results. Deep Tissue Laser Therapy works by flooding the tissues with photons, energizing the damaged cells and increasing circulation to the painful area. This produces a cascade of healing responses in your body, reducing inflammation, thereby reducing or even eliminating your pain. Treatments take just a few minutes, however the therapeutic effect continues to soothe and heal long after you leave the office.
Call us today to see if this exciting new technology is right for you. We are now on Facebook! Join Us today for current updates.
Pick up the phone and call us
Soda Springs Office Hours M/W/F 9am-1pm
T/TH 1pm-8pm
Montpelier Office Hours Monday and Wednesday 3pm-7pm
to date as of 02/12/2024
Jared M Shelton, DC, ND, DMsc, MS CCSP, CSCS, BS
45 W Center St Soda Springs, ID 83276 // 908 Washington St Montpelier, ID 83254 Call us today! (208)547-4518
Welcome to our clinic!
We have a lot to offer you. Our daily lives of work and stress can be greatly improved with simple chiropractic care. Get better as fast as possible with Bear River Chiropractic. Our clinic specializes in upper and lower extremity injury as well as the neck and back. So if you suffer from the aches and pains of life come see us and have dramatic improvement, sometimes even on your very first visit! We can often offer same day appointments by phone. Just give us a call and we will fit you in the best that we can.
At Bear River Chiropractic you will have a completely different chiropractic experience, whether you are a seasoned chiropractic patient or a new patient. Your medical history will be taken and treatment delivered directly by the doctor. Our patients are then educated and empowered with self care help and individual treatment plans for each condition you may suffer with.
We accept and are preferred providers for most insurance plans including Blue Cross of Idaho, Regency Blue Shield, Aetna, United, IPN, Medicare, and Medicaid! Call today to find out if we take your plan in addition to those listed above and we will be glad to verify your benefits at no cost to you. We offer affordable health care in a world of ever rising health care costs.